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Why Graphic Design is Important for Your Brand? - theMmachine

Why Graphic Design is Important for Your Brand

Graphic design not only makes something look good, it organizes information to help deliver a message in the most impactful way possible. When you combine the right image, a well-written headline, professionally executed in a well-established package, then BOOM! The…

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The Marketing Machine Wins Best Marketing Agency

Raleigh, NC – January, 2019: The Marketing Machine has been selected as the winner of the WRAL 2018 Voters’ Choice Award for Best Marketing Agency. Thousands of people voted in this year’s contest and we’re excited and thankful to have…

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marketing and advertising budgets

Top Trends in Marketing and Advertising Budgets

Now that most of our clients’ businesses have stabilized enough that they can plan more than a month out, we’re seeing some shifts in the top trends in setting marketing and advertising budgets. When we meet for regular planning sessions…

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Creative marketing strategy

What’s Our Secret? Timing!

Yes, creative masters like (ahem) us have learned to juggle fine marketing initiatives of just about every size and scope as smoothly as a Formula 1 car driver shifts gears… but producing work that works doesn’t come at the push…

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The Marketing Machine Celebrates Two Decades of Excellence

Raleigh, NC – April 2018: Innovative creative marketing agency The Marketing Machine is celebrating its 20th year of helping over 400 clients grow their businesses through crafting brands and building comprehensive branding strategies and targeted buzz-building campaigns. The platinum anniversary marks…

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