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Make a great first impression

As I decorated my house for the holiday season, I caught myself thinking about why we put such importance on presentation. At Thanksgiving it's the table that friends and family gather around to give thanks. From the tablecloth, to the…

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Question: Got Creative? - theMmachine

Question: Got Creative?

In 1993, the California Milk Processor Board got together under the direction of Goodby Silverstein & Partners and spawned the genius catch phrase "got milk?®". If you pay attention, you'll notice that they still use that tagline today (and it's…

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Do I need a mobile website? - theMmachine

Do I need a mobile website?

The use of mobile devices to browse the Internet is growing exponentially, with predictions that by next year, more people will browse the Internet on their mobile devices than on their desktop computers! Not having a website that’s optimized for…

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Not dead yet, email marketing that works - theMmachine

Not dead yet… email marketing that works

Email marketing has been a core component of Marketing Machine services for 10 years, and in that time we’ve read and tested plenty of “best practices”—and continue to!  So when we saw this article on email marketing strategies from Inc…

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3 Keys to Successful Rebranding, Part 1

Every month companies call us because they realize that their brand—and by that we mean the combination of aesthetic elements (e.g., logo, colors, design and style) and strategic elements (e.g., business model, product and service offerings, customer service and marketing…

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